Nightmare Fuel, 226

Nightmare Fuel, 226


Whenever I ask Cindy, “Do we have anything to do tomorrow?” there’s really only one answer I want to hear.

”No, Cullen. Not only do we have nothing to do tomorrow, but we never have to do anything ever again. Our schedules are completely clear for the rest of our days. We don’t need to go anywhere. We don’t even need to leave the house. We’ve sold the cars, and in a remarkable turn of events earned enough money on them that we never have to work again. Our wardrobe has been replaced by naught but pajama bottoms and tee shirts (or, when we’re really feeling fancy, track suits). We no longer need to cook, as our food will be delivered by flying drones. We’ve raised impenetrable concrete walls around the house, essentially creating a tomb in which our bones will rot. Not anytime soon, mind you, but one day, years (and many, many, many hours of mind-numbing television and blissful naps) from now. Anyone who approaches our home will be vaporized by laser (lazer) cannons. As God is my witness, the schedule is forever clear.”

I don’t feel like that’s a big ask. 

Now, I’d be miserable if I never needed to work again. As I’ve said many times, I don’t want anyone to think I’m advocating for the destruction of work-life balance. My work schedule is not for everyone. You do you. But I’m happiest when I’m working. It’s just how I’m wired. 

But I do love a day when there are no outside stressors, no other responsibilities, no appointments, no phone calls, etc, I’m not a hermit. Really! But I kind of like to live that hermit lifestyle every now and then. 

Lately (and by “lately” I mean the last decade or so) a day like that simply hasn’t come along. There’s just… always something bubbling up to add a little freneticism to the day. 

Last night, though, just as I was going to bed, I asked if there was anything on the agenda for when I woke up. 

The answer—startlingly—was no. 

Today belongs to me, my friends.

And I guess I’m using my freedom to write a newsletter.

Later, I’ll finish up another script for GATCHAMAN, plan the rest of my week, do some edits, and outline a couple of more projects. 

But I don’t need to do anything else.

And that’s a beautiful thing. 

Last night, my son had a solo violin recital. Surrounded by his teachers, his family, and his friends, he played for about an hour, and he absolutely killed it. No crumbs. He ate it all up. I’ve always get emotionally overwhelmed with people—especially young people—who show amazing talent. When it is my own kid—

I’m not crying. You’re crying. I’m proud of him. He has worked insanely hard—practicing for HOURS every day—and he deserves the awe and praise that was hurled his way after his performance. 

Later this week, Cindy and I are driving him to a violin-intensive camp in Michigan. While he’s leveling up, we’re going to spend a few days exploring the state.

From what I hear, we may not get a bit of cell phone reception in certain areas. 

Yes, this is my way of saying next week’s newsletter might be late. 

Connect STL from HEC Media put together this video, a look at my past, my philosophies, and my methods. It's short, well done, and interesting. Hope you like it!

And that’s not all!

I also joined my pals at TLDR—for the fifth time!—to discuss BEYOND MORTAL, MONSTERS ARE MY BUSINESS, GATCHAMAN, and more! It’s always a lot of fun to chat with them, and you can listen here:

I’ve been using the same desktop computer for the last… 12+ years… and it’s really been hobbling along for some time. Last week, thanks in huge part to my Patreon supporters, I replaced the old computer with a new rig. The new speed, efficiency, and set up has taken a bit of getting used to, but I’m so glad I can actually work without getting tripped up by a seemingly endless barrage of computer glitches. Thanks so much to those who helped make this happen!

Speaking of Patreon, they now allow for folks to follow a page for free. I will be posting regular free content to the page, so hop over there and join up. I’m reworking my Patreon content plan, but it’s gonna be fun, I think!


Lucas and Harmony encounter another story, another group of ghosts who need help, and a realization that will change their relationship moving forward.

And in another spectral story, shocking details about Shane's nature materialize...


What if everything you thought was funny about Deadpool...was actually just disturbing? What if he decided to kill everyone and everything that makes up the Marvel Universe? What if he actually pulled it off? Would that be FUN for you? The Merc with a Mouth takes a turn for the twisted in a weekly horror comic like no other...


Griz is a tough-as-nails bounty hunter. Cuddles is a chainsaw-wielding koala. Together, they prowl the mean streets of Bogtown, kicking ass and taking names. Now, though, they may have bitten off more than they can chew. They’ve "rescued" a monster from the clutches of the Howling Gargoyles — a monster with an unbreakable connection to an elder deity. And the Gargoyles are determined to get their prisoner back.


The ultimate collection for fans and new readers alike-Cullen Bunn and Brian Hurtt's iconic weird western, The Sixth Gun, is available for the first time in beautiful softcover omnibus editions, boasting an interlocking spine design for the collector's shelf!

The dogs of war are gnawing at their leashes! The forces of darkness have hounded Becky Montcrief since she first placed her hand on the Sixth Gun. Now, Becky and her allies are taking the fight to their enemies. Their goal: destroy the cursed guns once and for all. But the Grey Witch has plans of her own, and she stages a shocking counter attack. The unexpected outcome of this battle will change the fate of the Six forever, and our defenders of the gun come to the epic conclusion of their story.

This volume collects The Sixth Gun #36-50, the stunning conclusion from master storytellers Cullen Bunn (Harrow County, The Empty Man), Brian Hurtt (The Damned, Manor Black), and Tyler Crook (Harrow County, Petrograd), as well as The Sixth Gun: Valley of Death #1-3, illustrated by A.C. Zamudio (Shadow Roads), and The Sixth Gun: Dust to Dust #1, illustrated by Tyler Crook.

JimmyZ found a TON of zines and chapbooks I published 25+ years ago! They’ve got a little wear-and-tear on them, but I think I’m gonna load them up on my web store in the next couple of weeks. Most of my readers have never seen these. It’s pretty cool to see so many of them all in one place. 

Banner - things to come
Banner - events

All events are subject to change at a moment’s notice, but here is where I’ll be appearing in the next several months!I 

September 7, 2024 - Cursed City Con, San Antonio, Texas

October 4 - 6, 2024 - AuthorCon 4, St. Louis, Missouri

October 26 - 27, 2024 - Cowtown Comic Convention, Fort Worth, Texas

Banner - where to find me

CULLEN'S AMAZON STORE - Listen! If you have a local comic shop or bookshop, PLEASE visit them and order your books from them. If you don't have a shop, though, or if you can't get my books from your local bookseller for some reason, this Amazon shop has tons of options. 

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