Halloween Movie Countdown 6 - You never want to do anything interesting any more.

Halloween Movie Countdown 6 - You never want to do anything interesting any more.

As far as home invasion movies go, YOU’RE NEXT is just about as fun as you can get. 

I mean, there are few sub-genres of horror that bother me as much as home invasion. The very idea of it gives me terrible nightmares, and most movies of this type are watchable, for me, only once. 

Thank goodness, then, for Erin, who shifts this movie into something altogether different. Erin is a final girl who might as well be the slasher, and this flick is so much fun because of her. 

Not just her, I guess. I love the quirkiness of the family, before, during, and after the horrible events that are unfolding. Their interactions are ludicrous, yes, but also very believable. 

Extra kudos to this movie for getting “Looking for the Magic” by the Dwight Twilley Band stuck in my head for days.


I’m not sure how easy it is to find, but if you like the idea of the final girl fighting back and taking names, NIGHT TRAP is the book for you!

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