I’ve always loved THE BLOB. The image of the jelly-like horror rolling out of the movie theater in the original 1950s movie is forever ingrained in my mind. The titular monster is among my favorites in all of moviedom.
However, the 1988 remake is an absolute delight.
Just as the original is absolutely a 50s movie, the remake is cemented in the late 80s in such a great way.
The Blob itself doesn’t just roll along. It leaps. It lashes out with tentacles. It infests corpses. It moves on its prey with lethal intent. It is the Jason Voorhees of blobby monsters.
The death effects in this movie are just… terrifying. If telephone booths were still a thing, I would look at them very, very differently.
And the stinger at the end of the movie is the archetype for monster movie endings for years to come.
If you like flesh-melting body horror, then there’s definitely a book for you! UNEARTH has its fair share of cosmic horror blobs to thrill and delight.