ISSUE 214: BOUND FOR KANSAS CITY I’m accomplishing nothing… but I’m on the verge of accomplishing everything. If someone were to ask me, “How are you?” that’s how I’d respond. I’ve been working like a maniac the last week, but it feels as though I’m getting no traction anywhere. At the same time, I feel like I’m right on the verge of rocketing ahead like I haven’t done in a good long while. It’s like the pieces MIGHT be coming together… but the pieces are part of a Jenga tower made of lava and snapping turtles. One wrong move, and it all comes tumbling down and it takes me with it. Around this time last year, we adopted a feral cat. Her name these days is MewMew. She’s a sweet cat and she wants so badly to be loved. She wants someone to pet her. When you pet her, though, she is seized by mortal terror, because somewhere deep down inside, she knows you’re gonna grab her, put her in a carrier, and take her to the alien abduction that is the vet. She’s right on the verge of getting what she wants… but she knows it could all go terribly, terribly wrong. I think I understand that cat pretty well. And it’s a lot of pressure for a guy in his twenties… I mean thirties… I mean forties… I mean… Oh, Sweet Lord! What has become of me? Anyhow… welcome to Nightmare Fuel. There’s Hell to pay, but we’re gonna bounce that check!
PLANET COMICON is one of my favorite conventions every year, and the time has come for me to head that way once more! I have high hopes for this convention. Cindy (who, sadly, will not be able to attend with me this year) and I have been working on getting stock ready for the show, and I’m bringing some really cool items! This is the first stage in what I’m calling the “Send My Son to Violin Camp” tour. I think I mentioned before that my kid has been accepted into a really amazing violin camp for the summer. It’s a great opportunity for him. The only problem? It’s very expensive. The camp itself. Items he’ll need while in attendance. Violin repair before the camp. Travel to the area for Cindy and myself. It is going to cost a pretty penny. The convention will help… and it will be a ton of exhausting fun. I always have a great time meeting readers, seeing old colleagues and friends, grabbing bites to eat and sips to drink at a few favorite places, and enjoying the sights of the show. This year, Storm King Comics and Mad Cave Comics will be there, and I’ll be doing a couple of panels with them. And, because of Outer Shadows and a couple of other TOP SECRET projects, I’ll be spending a lot of time with the Outland Entertainment crew. Of course, my house is a bit of a disaster right now. So… many… boxes. What kind of stuff will I be bringing to the show? Well, definitely some good ol’ standbys, but also more than a few books I’ve never had at the show before. Here’s the list AS OF NOW… though I may add some items.
A couple of folks have messaged me and asked me to bring something specific for them. If you have something you’re looking for that’s not on the list, now is the time to tell me! Friday March 8, 2024 4:00 pm to 4:50 pm
THE FARAWAY is a dark, DARK fantasy story, and it will be the first comic publication in the Outer Shadows line. The Kickstarter for the project starts in:
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It will be an abbreviated campaign, so your best bet to make sure you don't miss out is to follow the pre-launch page now!
I’ll warn you now, dear subscribers, you will likely get a reminder email on the day the campaign goes live. I want to make sure everybody sees and (hopefully) backs the project without missing out. The success of the campaign will inform how comics in the line will be handled going forward, and we have huge plans!
Also… check out this sweet Kickstarter Exclusive Variant!
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THE FARAWAY is the first comic published under the Outer Shadows line. I hinted last week what we are going to be doing. This week, I’m going to share covers for several of the projects!
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That’s a good looking bunch of comics, right? They’ll all be joining the Outer Shadows line up! You can read more about it HERE!
Convention weeks—especially big convention weeks—are always hectic for me, and I have a ton of stuff to do before I can rest. It’s started early this time around. Just yesterday, I had a meeting with my friends from Yellow Bike Films about some really cool happenings. I’ve been doing a ton of work for Outer Shadows. I’ve been working on the novel. AND I have a couple of cool scripts that need to be finished up… and fast! I am also embarking on a project that’s a little different from most of what I’ve done before. And I just got an email greenlighting a new licensed comic series. No slowing down for me! I know I’ll leave the house on Thursday morning with the nagging notion that I didn’t get enough work finished, but I also know I’ll come back energized (exhausted but energized) to get more finished!
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A new season of SURVIVOR started this week, and that’s about the only new thing I’ve been watching. As usual with the show, I’m not sure how much I like it just yet. I need to warm up to it. I will say that I feel like the interviews are broadcasting who’s getting voted out a little too obviously, but that’s been something I’ve thought for a long while now.
This week, I've been listening to a lot of Of Monsters and Men, mostly the more melancholy side of things.
OUTER SEAS: THE CLAWING CHAOS is on Kickstarter right now, and it is closing in on the end of the campaign. I know Anton is very excited about this world he’s created, and I’m excited to see it. You still have a chance to back the project!
I also backed RENGOR ISSUES 1 - 3: THEATRE OF PAIN for some old school sword and sorcery comics! I love Jake Allen's style for this book.
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Look at these children! I’m not 100% sure, but I think this was in 2008 at World Horror Con in Salt Lake City. Cindy and I were just about to head out and hit the town.
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All events are subject to change at a moment’s notice, but here is where I’ll be appearing in the next several months!I
March 8 - 10, 2024 - PLANET COMICON, Kansas City, Missouri
May 31 - June 2, 2024 - TREMENDICON, Springfield, Missouri
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THE SHOCK SHOP - My online store, where you can find exclusive covers you can only get directly from me!
PATREON - Here, I post a serialized novel, a serialized comic book, short stories, and other cool materials.
CULLEN'S AMAZON STORE - Listen! If you have a local comic shop or bookshop, PLEASE visit them and order your books from them. If you don't have a shop, though, or if you can't get my books from your local bookseller for some reason, this Amazon shop has tons of options.
RAZE - A place for fans to hang out and talk about comics, books, movies, games, collecting, and whatever else strikes their fancy.
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