Nightmare Fuel, Issue 228

Nightmare Fuel, Issue 228


This newsletter, you might have noticed, has been on something of a hiatus for the last few weeks. To some degree, this boils down to “Oh, shit! I forgot!” In other measures, it’s because I’ve been feeling stressed and overwhelmed by… well… everything. Living the dream. Only it’s a dream about the world collapsing all around me and I’m jumping on floating chunks to stay alive and the chunks are on fire and the fire is caused by burning spiders. Here I am, though. Something has grabbed a hold of me tightly and I’m back with a brand new invention. Here are some highlights of what I’ve been up to while I’ve been away.


  • Cindy, Roman, and I returned from Michigan. Cindy and I spent the last couple of days of the trip in Frankenmuth, which was a really charming little town. I kind of wish we had spent more time there. Next time!
  • Cindy celebrated a birthday! Happy birthday, Cindy!
  • We celebrated, at least for a bit, by hiding in an underground parking garage full of dumpsters while a tornado ravaged Branson, Missouri.
  • I have been working diligently on my novel while, at the same time, trying to keep up on my comic scripting responsibilities. I think I’ve finally found a decent rhythm as long as I can stay focused and not plummet into an abyss of anxiety and despair on the daily.
  • I joined a very small writing group. It’s just a handful of people who keep each other updated on how much writing we’re each doing every day and encourage each other to keep at it.
  • JimmyZ and I met for a few days to discuss projects and plans. We started working on something really cool, I think, and spent some time mapping out something unique and exciting.
  • I almost cut my finger off while slicing limes for margaritas. That’s only a slight exaggeration. I should have gotten stitches, as Cindy likes to remind me, but I had super glue handy.
  • I thought about letting my hair grow out. Again. Tried it for a couple of weeks. Decided this was a terrible idea.
  • I got back on my salad-eating bullshit in an attempt to get my health under control. I’ve only derailed twice so far! In my defense, though, they were significant derailments. 
  • With the help of my son (meaning, he’s doing all the work) I started organizing stock that has been sitting in the studio unattended for months. The plan is to get everything positioned to be taken to conventions and added to my website.
  • I started seeking help for the aforementioned stress, anxiety, and despair. Way too early to say anything is getting “fixed” yet. In fact, this isn’t something that can be fixed. But I’m hopeful that, with some guidance, I can get it under control.
  • I released another Yellow Bike short film, this one called THE BLEED. Here it is!


  • And, in case you missed it, here is other recent short film I did with Yellow Bike, WATCHING!
  • I decided I wanted to collect all the old paperbacks from the Dell Abyss line. Back in the early 90s, when I worked at Waldenbooks and curated the best-selling horror section in the company, these books were mainstays, and I really enjoyed them. I still have a bunch, but many have vanished over the years, so I’m gonna grab them up again when I can!
  • I watched MAXXXINE, which I loved. If I was going to rank the movies in the trilogy, I’d still put X at the top, but that’s not shade to this movie. All those flicks are terrific. I also watched BOY KILLS WORLD, which I might have built up a little too much in my head. I liked it. Didn’t love it. 

And that, I think, puts a pretty little bow on everything I’ve been up to while I’ve been away.

This week, I’m focusing heavily on the novel. Big, big goals with it. Also, though, my son is going to another camp AND Cindy and I are celebrating 20 years of marriage! Can you believe anyone would put up with me for more than two decades? As always, I feel extremely lucky to have a partner-in-crime like her by my side.


The first comic-sized, one-shot adventure for the MARVEL MULTIVERSE ROLE-PLAYING GAME is here! Play as Deadpool and his team — or use your own characters — in a fourth-wall breaking adventure right out of Marvel’s comics! Includes a comic story lead-in by Cullen Bunn (DEADPOOL KILLS THE MARVEL UNIVERSE), an RPG adventure and new character profiles!

My first RPG material hits the stands this week! I’m pleased with the way this turned out. I think it is a lot of fun, whether you play role-playing games or not, and it also features a short comic featuring some of my favorite characters.



In the plagued city of Yharnam, hunters Gretchen and Abraham search for their missing protégé. Under the blood moon, a scourge of beasts stalks the streets, and a new threat lurks around every corner. The duo must venture deep into the depths of the chalice dungeons in order to find Lucien, but malignant and ancient horrors await them. Will they find him? And what terrifying surprise awaits them if they do?

My second excursion into the world of Bloodborne! This one focuses on the dread chalice dungeons. It’s bleak and bloody, as it should be. I’m excited to return to this setting again in the future!

Banner - things to come
Banner - events

All events are subject to change at a moment’s notice, but here is where I’ll be appearing in the next several months!I 

August 1, 2024 - Whiskey and Words, Best of Luck Beer Hall, Springfield, Missouri

September 7, 2024 - Cursed City Con, San Antonio, Texas

October 4 - 6, 2024 - AuthorCon 4, St. Louis, Missouri

October 26 - 27, 2024 - Cowtown Comic Convention, Fort Worth, Texas

Banner - where to find me

CULLEN'S AMAZON STORE - Listen! If you have a local comic shop or bookshop, PLEASE visit them and order your books from them. If you don't have a shop, though, or if you can't get my books from your local bookseller for some reason, this Amazon shop has tons of options. 

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